Speaker Details



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

CSHL Fellow, Donaldson Translational Fellow,

Semir Beyaz received his B.S. degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics at Izmir Institute of Technology, where he was ranked 1st in the Faculty of Science in 2009. After working at the Bone Marrow Transplantation Center at Massachusetts General Hospital between 2009-2010, he joined Harvard University, Immunology PhD program. There, he worked in Stuart Orkin’s lab at Boston Children’s Hospital on the epigenetic regulation of blood cell development and also in Omer Yilmaz’s lab at the Koch Institute of Massachusetts Institute of Technology on dietary regulation of intestinal stem cell function and tumorigenesis. After receiving his PhD in 2017, he established his research laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) in New York, where he is a CSHL Fellow and Donaldson Trust Translational Fellow. His lab is focusing on how dietary and metabolic perturbations affect the immune system and contribute to the risk of diseases that are associated with immune dysfunction such as cancer. He received several awards for his scientific accomplishments including the Jeffrey Modell Prize, American Association of Immunologists Thermo-Fisher Trainee Achievement Award and TASSA Aziz Sancar Young Scholar Award.

Symposium Faculty

Peng Li

Tsinghua University

Christoper Glass

University of California San Diego

Takashi Kadowaki

University of Tokyo

Roger D. Kornberg

Stanford University

Judith Klumperman

University Medical Center Utrecht

Jeffrey Friedman

Rockefeller University

Gisou van der Goot

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne

David Sabatini

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Satchindananda Panda

Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Anu Suomalainen

University of Helsinki

Tobias Walther

Harvard University

David Mangelsdorf

University of Texas

Nilay Yapıcı

Cornell University

Semir Beyaz

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Gülçin Pekkurnaz

University of California San Diego

Betül Kaçar

University of Arizona